Application Form

Course Required

Location (more than one route can be selected)

Name of Course/Occupational Area:

Please tick the box below if you do not know which course you want to study

Applicant Details



Forenames (in full):

Previous Surname (if changed):


Date of Birth:

Current Address:

Email address:

Home Tel No. (incl Code):


National Insurance No:

Intended Career

(If undecided, say so, but also indicate where main interests lie)


The new General Data Protection Regulation came into effect on May 25th 2018 and we’re letting you know how we collect, protect and handle your personal data.

We collect your data to enable us to keep in touch with you about the work that Chameleon School of Construction Ltd do. Data is limited to work-related information, such as email address, phone number and organisation.

We collect your data when you share your information with us when registering for an event, expressing an interest in what we offer as an organisation and also when completing enquiry/application forms on our website. We take appropriate steps in accordance with the GDPR to protect your data. Access to the mailing list is limited and protected via the use of passwords. We do not sell data to any organisation.

You have many rights regarding your personal data, including seeing what data we access, and updating your information. You are able to unsubscribe at any time by emailing ‘unsubscribe’ to

You don’t need to do anything right now, but if you’d like to find out more you can request our privacy policy via email or please do not hesitate to get in touch.

From time to time the college may use your details to send you information.

Do you require this information?

Declaration By Applicant
(Please read carefully)

I confirm that the details on this form are accurate and complete. If offered a place, I agree to comply with the training centres policies and procedures when using training centres facilities and understand that full copies of these policies and procedures are available.